The Ivy Vine

"pop without that bitter after-taste"


Continuing the updating....

Added: The long-absent "articles" page. Sadly, it seems to have ceased being added to in 2001 -- so if anyone has any articles they want to see put up there, send 'em in!




Yeah, that's right, the page is only up a matter of days and there's updates. Like growing a garden, this is -- gotta keep pulling weeds all the time.

Anyway, thanks so much to Viner Richard, who reminded me that GIFs look a lot better than JPGs, and don't distort so much. My "photoshop" is somewhat limited, so since it defaults to JPGs, I usually just make those up. Anyway, I've found a better way to do it now and much of the main graphics on the site are now in GIF. The rest I'll convert eventually -- if anyone can do a batch that'd help considerably!

And the other addition: The changing of "video" to "a/v club" (as in audio/visual club) so we can put MP3s and other goodies on the page. There's one there now, "Disappointed" from the Conan O'Brien show a few years back. With the band's permission I'll look to putting up other special MP3s soon.

Any other feedback? Love to hear it....

UPDATE: (to the update) - Also added, an NPR radio blurb from 2001 that discusses Ivy and ... the Vine!



Welcome to the Ivy Vine Update Blog!

The plan here is to post updates, news and developing information about Ivy.

Feel free to comment (but play nice) but if you really want to start a discussion, go back to and click on "join" and come on over to the Ivy Vine Mailing List! We've got hundreds of fans over there already.

Thanks for stopping by!