Fountains of Wayne: Cultural Touchstone

So it's not directly Ivy related, but since Adam Schlesinger is in both Ivy and Fountains of Wayne, here are a few interesting FOW notations recently located on the Web:
1) Jonathan Coulton's Thing A Week: ShopVac
(Scan down to "Thing A Week 4")
"This is me doing Fountains of Wayne - you know, funny tragic suburban angst power pop ennui, etc. I started recording this one before it was written, which is something I never do. But I knew I was going to do hand claps in the chorus and I couldn’t wait. I came up with the chorus when I was actually using a shop vac (which is awesome by the way, it sucks up everything)."
Jonathan Coulton is an up-and-coming New York based songwriter and the song's kinda cute.
2) Robbie Fulks writes about FOW
More higher-profile, relatively speaking: Country singer Fulks has a song called "Fountains of Wayne Hotline" that's now up exclusively on iTunes. The story is located at the link, and reposted here:
Robbie Fulks: "Fountains of Wayne Hotline" originated as a travel game in our van. "Welcome Interstate Managers" had just come out, and I guess it was the band's super-competency and amazing consistency that made me imagine them as operators of a crisis hotline for songwriters. In our game one of us would place an emergency call for counseling, and a member of a large bureaucratic labyrinth, usually harried and gruff, would offer a solution based on time-honored Fountains of Wayne techniques. Grant, our guitarist, excelled at the mean-spirited drones, and occasionally a different kind of Hotline character would pop up, like one of the perky-beyond-all-reason types that were drummer Gerald's specialty. Just another of those things that turns grimly incomprehensible in the telling...but, for whatever reason, it was amusing enough that I codified it as a song a little while later.
We played it for a couple months at shows, and people plainly liked it. But it was soon time to retire it. Remember how Stravinsky was dogged all his days by "Sacre du Printemps" -- we didn't want that! I did want to have something to remember it by, however. So we put down a version in our friend Jay O'Rourke's garage. Soon all kinds of people were asking for copies, such as -- in a particularly vehement request -- a team of able-bodied lawyers representing the real-life Fountains of Wayne. But it has all ended well, with the band liking the song, us still never having to perform it live, and this MP3 that is now available for your listening pleasure.
Says FOUNTAIN OF WAYNE'S Adam Schlesinger:
"If Robbie Fulks wants to ride someone's coattails, he ought to pick someone more famous than us. We, for example, cover Britney Spears songs to get attention. But hey, we're still flattered. In fact, we might hire him to write our next album for us."