Want to Tour With Brookville?
So, long time no post, but here's a big one!
Got a band? Want to tour with Brookville (and Tahiti 80?) Then get your MySpace page all set up, and friend both bands! You'll just have to send them both a MySpace message telling them about your band, and you could be on your way to a show!
Here are the details. They were sent to me, and The Ivy Vine doesn't have any other connection with the contest:
* Le Pop Contest *
Brookville and Tahiti80 are looking for opening acts in New York City (at
Mercury Lounge ) & San Francisco (at Cafe du Nord) on their U.S. tour. The
bands are looking for emerging artists that embody the essence and soul of
good pop/rock composition... And a certain je-ne-sais-quoi!
To be eligible, you must be Myspace friends of both bands. Make your
submission in a Myspace message, specifying which city it's for.Members of
Brookville & Tahiti80 will then check out your Myspace page. If they like
what they hear, they'll let you know.
One winner will be selected for NYC and another for San Francisco. The two
winners will be announced on Brookville and Tahiti80's Myspace profiles on
October 30th. Winning artists will each receive a signed copy of
Brookville's latest album, "Life In The Shade", some "goodies" from Tahiti
80, and 5 guest list spots. Winners must perform acoustically (no drums) and
are responsible for their own transportation to and from the event. There
will be no performance fee.
Good luck everyone - we look forward to hearing your submissions!